Attorney Cristina Nieto, founder of NIETO ENRIQUEZ Abogados Penalistas, has been invited to collaborate in an article in La Vanguardia on Electoral Offenses and the consequences of failing to comply with the obligations imposed by the Electoral Law.
The participation of La Vanguardia in the world of journalism does not go unnoticed, and much less so when it comes to issues as relevant as criminal law and electoral crimes. In this sense, the collaboration of the media with a criminal lawyer such as Cristina Nieto, from this firm of criminal lawyers, also experts in Compliance, is extremely valuable.
The role of the media in disseminating accurate and objective information on legal issues is crucial to maintaining a fair and informed society. Therefore, having experts in the field is essential to ensure that the news is accurate and properly contextualized.
As for electoral crimes, their importance lies in protecting the integrity of the electoral system, since they can seriously alter the outcome of a democratic election. Hence the imperative need for ordinary citizens to know what their rights and obligations are and what are the consequences of non-compliance established in the General Electoral Law, as we analyze in this article of La Vanguardia.
Abogada Penalista – Socia fundadora del despacho NIETO ENRIQUEZ Abogados Penalistas. Lidera un equipo de abogados especializados en Derecho Penal y Compliance. Cuenta con amplia experiencia en la dirección jurídica de todo tipo de asuntos penales y en la elaboración de programas de prevención de delitos e imparte formaciones a directivos y empleados en esta materia.